Make Your Own Fly Spray

Fly sprays are essential in the summer months if you are a horse owner. Even if you are picking up manure daily to cut down an breeding areas, using fly parasites to kill off the fly larvae before they can hatch and putting out traps to catch adults you will still have the need to use sprays for spot treatment … Read More

Different Flies in the Home

The typical house flies are not the only ones you would see in the home. The flies in home can be classified in to different categories. Some of these flies will be seen during some summer, going in and out of the home. And you would be surprised to know that some come inside the home only when the winter … Read More

Commercial Fly Sprays

When checking the labels of commercial fly sprays you will find the most common active ingredients are pyrethrins and pyrethroids. Pyrethrins are chemicals extracted from some species of Chrysanthemums.They provide a quick knockdown of pests and are safe for use on animals. Piperonyl butoxide is a synergist that is added to increase effectiveness. Unfortunately pyrethrins are broken down by sunlight … Read More