Fly Parasites Gain Acceptance in the Horse Barn

Fly Parasites Gain Acceptance in the Horse Barn

Fly PredatorsIn the barn battle against flies, Fly Parasites faced an uphill battle. They just were not being credited with the power they have to help control flies.

People who had no problem using toxic sprays, traps, baits and time released sprays were reluctant releasing beneficial insects – until they found out how well they worked. After all, it does sound odd if you are battling a pest problem to release more bugs would be the solution!

The Issue With Sprays, Traps and Baits

Sprays, traps and baits only work on the adult flies.  Fly Parasites or Fly Terminators, kill the fly larvae before the flies can hatch and start laying eggs thereby breaking the life cycle of the fly.

Smart horse owners begin their Fly Parasites program in spring when flies first start appearing to gain the upper hand. By summer flies are few in number.

Fly Parasites give great results. A lot fewer flies in the barn and surrounding area!

Any horse owner who relies on toxic sprays to control fly problems visiting another stable using Fly Parasites has two questions.

First – “Why don’t you have flies”
Second – “Where can I get fly parasites?”

4 Big Reasons to Use Fly Predators to Control Flies

* 70% less flies
* Fly Parasites take less than 10 minutes a month to release so the horse owner spend less time dealing with flies and more time enjoying their animals.
*Fly Parasites will cost less than $18.00 a month for somebody with 3 to 5 horses – a big savings when compared to sprays or traps that don’t work nearly as well.
*Kill flies before they hatch

So when you look at the facts that Fly Parasites give better results, require less effort to use and cost less than other methods it is easy to understand why Fly Parasites are so popular in the horse barn.