Nematodes in my Garden?

Nematodes in my garden – is that good or bad? There are different types of nematodes. Some are harmful, spreading serious diseases in humans and/or destroying crops and plants. Fortunately, most types of nematodes have no adverse effect on humans. In fact, they can be highly beneficial. They live in soil, fresh and salt water, feeding on bacteria, protozoans, fungi … Read More

Fall and early Winter Flies

Fall and early Winter Flies that can be a real Nuisance There are several types of flies that can be found around the barn and your house in the fall and early winter as they seek shelter from the cold.  They love to find warm, sunny areas inside and outside of buildings.  They will eek into cracks around windows, vents … Read More

What did one Fly say to another?

What did one Fly say to another? I’ll be back. Many farm managers are welcoming the cooler weather even if it means chopping away ice from the water buckets and shoveling frozen stalls. Why? Because the blasted flies are gone. At least until warmer weather returns. I think Arnold Schwarzenegger got his famous line in the Terminator “I’ll be back” … Read More